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Commission Form Examples

Please copy and paste the form below and either send it via e-mail, FA note, or Twitter message!

I post when I am open for commissions on my FA. However, if you are unsure or what to know when I am opening feel free to send me a message and ask! Sometimes I can even squeeze in another commission depending on my free time.

Regular Commission Form

Type of Commission:
How Many Characters?:
Pose (if you have a reference for a general Idea that is great):
Clothing, armor, weapon ref if applicable:
Feral or Anthro?:
Background (Only applicable for some commission types):
Additional Info:
Paypal e-mail:

Design Commission Form

Please go to the TOS page and read the "Character Design Guide and ToS" section before filling this out!

Feral or Anthro?:
Body Type:
Colors for Character:
References for Body Parts (ex: I'd like him to have these wings, this hair, ect):
Pose (if you have a reference for a general Idea that is great):
Clothing, armor, weapon ref if applicable:
NSFW? If yes, please find a reference!:
Additional Info:
Paypal e-mail:

© 2021 Levos-Art. All rights reserved. Contact us for commission information and follow us on social media for more digital art content.

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